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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme python (730 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme python[2012-10-10] - 12:41:42 - "hackerfantastic" - @codecademy now offer online Ruby lessons for free alongside their python offerings! :-D[2012-10-10] - 11:11:22 - "egyp7" - @bensonk42 @mubix I swore off python the day I downloaded a library with mixed tabs/spaces and spent hours figuring out wtf was wrong[2012-10-10] - 10:21:50 - "CiscoSecurity" - What do you get by injecting a python interpreter via GDB? Find out! http://t.co/Aa8BqmC7[2012-10-10] - 04:56:33 - "ghostnomad" - w00t! Codecademy now has ruby and moar python[2012-10-08] - 03:39:52 - "lostinsecurity" - My flight is delayed but then I have more time to some python coding. This is bigstuff (no bigdata)[2012-10-07] - 22:49:59 - " whyjoseph" - High Performance Python I: http://t.co/WIaqFN10 via #python #infosec[2012-10-07] - 18:21:17 - "jwgoerlich" - RT @python33r: Create *beautiful* command-line interfaces with Python: http://t.co/lO5ZgwA8 // cc @37point2 @rattis[2012-10-07] - 14:25:25 - " tomaszmiklas" - Leaning towards python for simplicity and being universal. Also raspi + gpio and similar stuff should get his 12-16yo playing with stuff[2012-10-07] - 04:15:45 - "dkulshitsky" - RT @smartial_arts: TryRuby is pretty awesome http://t.co/c2d44M4T Try ruby catch python?[2012-10-06] - 12:51:54 - "jwgoerlich" - RT @Secureholio: #FF to @rattis for putting together the python class! :)[2012-10-05] - 18:56:41 - "marcinw" - RT @mitsuhiko: My PyCon ZA presentation. Title is lying, it's more about hacking wifi hotspots and why python is awesome: https://t.co/ ...[2012-10-05] - 04:00:14 - "ortegaalfredo" - RT @jpdborgna: GMR-2p satellite phone monitoring and decoding #ekoparty2012 https://t.co/o5xWcWD2 decoding satellite data with python[2012-10-03] - 17:02:28 - "searchio" - Pythonista is a must install for any python+iOS person, great IDE that support native iOS graphs, sound, image, autocomplete, you name it.[2012-10-03] - 16:35:35 - "MarioVilas" - RT @julioauto: Looking for python hackers to come join me in Amsterdam on a great job! Interested? Know anyone?[2012-10-01] - 20:54:30 - "taylorbanks" - RT @gattaca Python IOC tools initial release published at #EnergySec2012 #python #IOC http://t.co/Y0Ysq5xg[2012-09-30] - 05:35:52 - "funkatron" - @courtewing so the issue is that I haven't really been writing PHP. Mostly python lately. You interested in helping? Could use it[2012-09-29] - 22:45:56 - "PatrickCMiller" - RT @p0wnlabs: Python IOC tools initial release published at http://t.co/7zB2s6f7? #EnergySec2012 #python #IOC[2012-09-28] - 18:22:06 - "RayDavidson" - Surprise (unscheduled) talk at @GrrCON - open source intelligence gathering using Twitter and python (tweepy). Self referential tweet?[2012-09-27] - 22:11:56 - "MarcoFigueroa" - I was working on some python code was stumped on something. I woke up after dreaming of code figured it out! It's 6:25am back to sleep![2012-09-27] - 17:46:04 - "sagar38" - http://t.co/HxabmvAP a python variant combining dynamic and static typing. Haven't tried it yet but looks kind of interesting[2012-09-27] - 09:49:41 - "sussurro" - @secmoose I'd tell you a python joke but it's not PEP8 so I'd probably get flamed for posting it online.[2012-09-21] - 22:44:37 - "bluetouff" - RT @nkgl: La Datavizu ça te parle, le python aussi.... = TON JOB EST ICI : http://t.co/m6LOs9rr (En plus Portland, c'est beau) #job ...[2012-09-21] - 15:40:03 - " endrazine" - pythonect by izik : http://t.co/QscLKYJ2 good stuff :)[2012-09-20] - 07:36:54 - "PatrickCMiller" - RT @p0wnlabs: Don't forget next week is the energysec summit: http://t.co/Wx6OEaDN I'll be releasing some cool python-based ioc tools.[2012-09-20] - 05:15:26 - "sintixerr" - RT @PatrickCMiller: RT @p0wnlabs: next week is the energysec summit: I'll be releasing some python-based ioc tools. http://t.co/gV7DQklN[2012-09-20] - 01:00:09 - " zate" - Trying to invent something i need to do to learn python.. lol[2012-09-20] - 00:25:40 - "r00tbsd" - RT @Sebdraven: je cherche un dev python avec des connaissances en secu. please RT ![2012-09-19] - 05:50:22 - "punkrokk" - @JoshuaRusso Nice meeting you at the python meetup! Now you should follow @roc2600[2012-09-16] - 20:24:39 - " GNUCITIZEN" - RT @pdp: wow, writing a python script to generate a wiki page...:[2012-09-16] - 20:20:40 - " pdp" - wow, writing a python script to generate a wiki page...[2012-09-16] - 05:18:26 - " securityshell" - RT @k3170Makan: Writting a Web Browser in python ---- http://t.co/RtWZoGeG[2012-09-15] - 06:27:16 - " cji" - Debugging would have been easier if I found these great python tools before I started this project http://t.co/enk3eKxQ http://t.co/kDvokBBt[2012-09-14] - 18:10:05 - " GNUCITIZEN" - RT @pdp: Now you can put python and ruby on iPhone - no problem - https://t.co/Z3MEonjv Java to OBJ-C translator.:[2012-09-14] - 18:06:47 - "pdp" - Now you can put python and ruby on iPhone - no problem - https://t.co/M6qsbiDq Java to OBJ-C translator.[2012-09-14] - 03:05:47 - "singe" - Scapy protip: rather than managing TCP state yourself, use a python socket convert it for scapy using StreamSocket() http://t.co/qEDU2Yvj[2012-09-13] - 18:07:58 - "w3af" - @hachedece any openbsd package that includes the Python development headers? (in ubuntu it is python2.7-dev) cc: @_alekid[2012-09-13] - 18:07:58 - "w3af" - Help update Python's incomplete docs http://t.co/dVUItF9Q. Run python -c 'import platform;print platform.system()' and tweet the output.[2012-09-12] - 02:55:43 - "revskills" - @trufae La pythontera Rosa #peliculasconpython[2012-09-10] - 12:06:53 - " matalaz" - @MarioVilas I switched from Komodo IDE a while ago to Spyderlib (for python, I mean). You may like it too.[2012-09-10] - 07:38:04 - "MarioVilas" - RT @matalaz: @MarioVilas I switched from Komodo IDE a while ago to Spyderlib (for python, I mean). You may like it too.[2012-09-07] - 12:18:12 - "attritionorg" - @cji thanks for volunteering to be the new attrition python script bitch![2012-09-07] - 01:14:34 - "_sinn3r" - RT @corelanc0d3r: mona rop now produces ruby, python javascript chains (also in -rva mode), run !mona up to get the latest #immuni ...[2012-09-06] - 22:35:11 - "sussurro" - RT @corelanc0d3r: mona rop now produces ruby, python javascript chains (also in -rva mode), run !mona up to get the latest #immuni ...[2012-09-06] - 19:43:45 - "sagar38" - Some nice python articles: http://t.co/F2X8huYj[2012-09-06] - 19:07:22 - "EdiStrosar" - RT @corelanc0d3r: mona rop now produces ruby, python javascript chains (also in -rva mode), run !mona up to get the latest #immuni ...[2012-09-06] - 13:38:30 - "Infosanity" - RT @PythonNorthEast: Got something python related that you want to talk about at October's @PythonNorthEast? Get in touch and we'll m ...[2012-09-06] - 12:44:30 - "antic0de" - RT @corelanc0d3r: mona rop now produces ruby, python javascript chains (also in -rva mode), run !mona up to get the latest #immuni ...[2012-09-06] - 11:44:06 - "postmodern_mod3" - #lazytwitter What is the version of gcc, bash, python, ruby, etc installed on #OSX. Wondering if they are newer/older than on Linux.[2012-09-06] - 09:59:06 - "McGrewSecurity" - I offered to write a python script, but they want it to be legit. Go vote on my friend's baby as the cutest: https://t.co/kVgbfPoB[2012-09-06] - 09:39:47 - "tnicholson" - RT @corelanc0d3r: mona rop now produces ruby, python javascript chains (also in -rva mode), run !mona up to get the latest #immuni ...[2012-09-06] - 05:13:49 - "Viss" - ?@0x554E4441: Stumbled across a python script that runs assembly. http://t.co/4FXCLLgd Going to be citing this. :)? - :D[2012-08-19] - 07:16:15 - "coolacid" - Seriously, take me away from this python stuff. Not only have I made a socket, handled an except in the socket, I'm now looking at threads
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