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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme patch (533 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme patch[2012-10-03] - 22:55:44 - "julianor" - CRIME patch: Qt is disabling SSL compression by default. Browsers and applications using QtWebkit are most vulnerable. http://t.co/Z7zuKbzM[2012-10-03] - 20:42:32 - "Beaker" - @chort0 Do you think it could have something to do with the JAVA RE or OSX patch? Do either recently?[2012-10-03] - 07:34:58 - "MarioVilas" - RT @Exploit_Hub: Did your 0day recently get burned by a patch or rediscovery and disclosure? Put your exploit in ExploitHub and start ge ...[2012-10-03] - 04:57:35 - " druidian" - RT @Exploit_Hub: Did your 0day recently get burned by a patch or rediscovery and disclosure? Put your exploit in ExploitHub and start ge ...[2012-10-02] - 17:38:48 - "JGamblin" - Does anyone have an updated link to 3rd party patching statistics (adobe, java, etc). I cant see to find any.[2012-10-02] - 01:08:47 - "anton_chuvakin" - G+: Unlike Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox users, IE users were exposed to active attacks against unpatched,? http://t.co/QcAF5dCm[2012-10-01] - 23:32:11 - " watchguardtech" - Missed any of the security news last week? Well check out our video recap for the skinny. Stolen Certs Cisco patches: http://t.co/yCYYgBaa[2012-10-01] - 19:24:59 - " SecAdept" - Missed any of the security news last week? Well check out our video recap for the skinny. Stolen Certs Cisco patches: http://t.co/Qq3zsIrl[2012-09-30] - 10:19:25 - "RonGula" - @nopsec Sure. Aplpying random checklists, firewall rules or patches isn't security, but saying that a checklist is bad is out of context.[2012-09-28] - 15:56:59 - "threatpost" - Another website found serving an exploit targeting the IE 0-day that was patched by @Microsoft last week - http://t.co/6ocm4Mcp[2012-09-28] - 13:22:29 - "travisgoodspeed" - I've patched the GoodFET website to include our CAN bus adapter. Bug @theqlabs for boards. http://t.co/ReTVSiCD[2012-09-27] - 23:11:59 - "lonervamp" - Wow, companies need to know about an 0day before they can patch it? OhEmGee unacceptable! The outrage![2012-09-27] - 21:51:04 - "jeremiahg" - ?apparently its being used against Sun. 0day a software product. Watch vendor run around for a while. When they patch, drop another, repeat.[2012-09-27] - 06:32:37 - "SCmagazineUK" - Emergency patch released for Internet Explorer zero-day flaw - SC Magazine UK http://t.co/xKwelOa0[2012-09-27] - 04:53:39 - "tqbf" - @agl__ Incidentally, we added SSLv2-compat-handshakes to crypto/tls to make proxies work, if you want the patch.[2012-09-24] - 03:55:28 - "CanDeger" - CVE-2012-4969 :Microsoft patches IE zero-day vulnerability: Microsoft has delivered on its promise and has issue... http://t.co/2bfPZ0us[2012-09-24] - 02:22:02 - " opexxx" - RT @bartblaze: Internet Explorer 0-day patched http://t.co/jm1XKT1k[2012-09-22] - 17:48:12 - "kakroo" - Microsoft issues emergency IE bug patch - Zero-day flaw takes six to fix Microsoft has released a 26.9MB patch which... http://t.co/FISCsLXp[2012-09-22] - 16:46:30 - "EdiStrosar" - Dear German government, you may switch back to IE now.The patch for 0-day was released.[2012-09-22] - 16:15:12 - "mosesrenegade" - RT @eEye: #IE execCommand 0day patched - Please patch now! http://t.co/fI66Y7Wq #0day #OOB #patch #infosec #netsec[2012-09-22] - 13:27:36 - "grecs" - RT @regsecurity: Microsoft issues emergency IE bug patch: 0-day flaw takes six to fix. http://t.co/aZynvZuc[2012-09-22] - 13:25:44 - "ITVulnerability" - Microsoft patches IE zero-day and Flash flaws in IE 10 http://t.co/uAKiUFml[2012-09-22] - 12:40:22 - "InfosecurityMag" - Microsoft issues full Internet Explorer zero-day patch http://t.co/Upg0xE48[2012-09-22] - 10:28:08 - "ToolsWatch" - RT @eEye: #IE execCommand 0day patched - Please patch now! http://t.co/fI66Y7Wq #0day #OOB #patch #infosec #netsec[2012-09-22] - 09:46:31 - "wkandek" - Microsoft releases patch for IE 0-day, plus 4 other vulnerabilities - http://t.co/pxrOJeJP[2012-09-22] - 09:28:45 - "qualys" - RT @wkandek: Microsoft releases patch for IE 0-day, plus 4 other vulnerabilities - http://t.co/pxrOJeJP[2012-09-22] - 03:42:25 - "CanDeger" - Microsoft patches IE zero-day and Flash flaws in IE 10 http://t.co/PmjkTH9U[2012-09-22] - 02:57:07 - "bkdelong" - @epiccolorado Since it is known by community of scanner enthus., users wait dispatchers/EMA profs can use as dissemination chan #smemchat[2012-09-22] - 02:04:39 - " helpnetsecurity" - Microsoft patches IE zero-day and Flash flaws in IE 10 - http://t.co/DvQd5NIs[2012-09-22] - 01:57:49 - "eEye" - #IE execCommand 0day patched - Please patch now! http://t.co/qmAtdh7c #0day #OOB #patch #infosec #netsec[2012-09-22] - 01:57:49 - "eEye" - #IE execCommand 0day patched - Please patch now! http://t.co/fI66Y7Wq #0day #OOB #patch #infosec #netsec[2012-09-22] - 01:57:49 - "eEye" - IE 0day Fixed in Out-of-Band Patch http://t.co/uIz5XG1f #0day #IE #patch[2012-09-22] - 01:49:13 - "BreakingPoint" - Microsoft to issue emergency patch for IE zero-day vuln today http://t.co/eVr5PEqV[2012-09-22] - 01:19:02 - "_sinn3r" - IE 0day patch available as MS12-063, patch it now: http://t.co/fgEIALBp[2012-09-22] - 00:42:31 - "rik_ferguson" - RT @briankrebs: Microsoft releases stopgap fix for zero-day IE flaw, promises official patch on Sept. 21 http://t.co/cckV01hf[2012-09-22] - 00:04:32 - " regsecurity" - Microsoft issues emergency IE bug patch: Zero-day flaw takes six to fix. Microsoft has released a 26.9MB patch which? http://t.co/HbVHYrXK[2012-09-21] - 22:42:25 - "ElReg" - Microsoft issues emergency IE bug patch: Zero-day flaw takes six to fix Microsoft has released a 26.9MB patch wh... http://t.co/piNlnoDf[2012-09-21] - 22:01:34 - "th3j35t3r" - UPDATE: Malware was win32:VBCrypt-AFM - patched Windows users would be unaffected, If ur worried run MBAM, MacOS and Linux users are immune.[2012-09-21] - 21:05:43 - "0xcharlie" - @blah53667133 use grsec patches.[2012-09-21] - 05:35:28 - "hdmoore" - @jstevensen @netbiosX ~8000+ Ubuntu machines still havent applied the patch and have MySQL open to the world[2012-09-21] - 05:35:28 - "hdmoore" - @netbiosX @jstevensen looked at scan results from the last 30 days, grepped ubuntu, mapped patches/packages to banners, crunched[2012-09-21] - 02:43:41 - "innismir" - RT @threatagent: Make sure your system is fully patched before applying the IE 0day Fix It #microsoft #metasploit[2012-09-21] - 02:04:45 - "threatpost" - .@Microsoft will issue out-of-band patch for IE 0-days on Friday, FixIt tool remains available in the meantime - http://t.co/OAjorj5d[2012-09-21] - 00:58:29 - "GFISoftware" - Microsoft patch for critical #IE 0-day bug that impacts IE6-9 coming tomorrow http://t.co/HCYrFX5H via @computerworld #Microsoft #infosec[2012-09-20] - 23:49:53 - "zate" - RT @threatagent: Make sure your system is fully patched before applying the IE 0day Fix It #microsoft #metasploit[2012-09-20] - 22:49:57 - "briankrebs" - Microsoft releases stopgap fix for zero-day IE flaw, promises official patch on Sept. 21 http://t.co/cckV01hf[2012-09-20] - 17:09:20 - "EdiStrosar" - MSFT will release OOB patch for IE 0-day: http://t.co/bHZmZhRV[2012-09-20] - 16:22:16 - "xanda" - RT @EdiStrosar OOB patch for IE 0-day is on the way: http://t.co/zIyrNkTh[2012-09-20] - 13:40:44 - "grecs" - RT @briankrebs Microsoft releases stopgap fix 4 zero-day IE flaw, promises official patch on Sept. 21 http://t.co/Vo7yKlqU[2012-09-20] - 12:57:17 - "pentestit" - RT @wkandek: Microsoft just released a FixIt for the IE 0-day vulnerability. A final patch is expected to be delivered Friday - http://t ...[2012-09-20] - 10:02:31 - "wkandek" - Microsoft just released a FixIt for the IE 0-day vulnerability. A final patch is expected to be delivered Friday - http://t.co/pxrOJeJP[2012-09-20] - 09:55:41 - "leonward" - I keep getting calls from The dispatch unit for O2 trying to dispatch me an upgraded phone. Total scam. Social engineering at its worst.
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