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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme email (476 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme email[2012-10-10] - 04:40:05 - "mortman" - FTW email boxes are all 1p , browser tabs down to 10. FTL open pdfs == 58[2012-10-09] - 03:40:32 - "bobmcmillan" - @dartdog does google apps store my chrome passwords and cookies online? That's been the second biggest issue so far after email, calendar.[2012-10-06] - 21:57:23 - "jack_daniel" - I would not be send phishing emails with links to a host with that many holes in it. Not that I'm looking, just an assumption.[2012-10-06] - 13:47:27 - "amazonv" - @GabrielMorgan we do colo, cloud, dedicated, sharepoint, email, so many things[2012-10-05] - 08:29:10 - "rybolov" - REN-ISAC: most collaboration is done via email, PDF, wiki, and structured data on portals. #ITSAC[2012-10-05] - 01:55:59 - "w3af" - Acabo de encontrar un XSS en AFIP, algun follower que trabaje ahi para reportarlo? Intente con algunos emails y no tuve suerte.[2012-10-04] - 21:51:38 - "jaysonstreet" - RT @securityninja: Perfect, we were laughing about the Hakin9 nmap mess and I get a new spam write for us email from hakin9 haha[2012-10-03] - 20:57:24 - "daveshackleford" - Just received a vendor-y email (SPAM) with the title PCI security and the future of the internet. LOL.[2012-10-03] - 00:50:16 - "d4ncingd4n" - @silascutler I sent the files to Irongeek last night. If you DM your email to me I'll send to you.[2012-10-02] - 22:36:49 - "BitdefenderFR" - RT @JoJolanito: attention phishing #mastercard ne pas ouvrir l'email (@Bitdefender ) http://t.co/vfEpl6FS[2012-10-02] - 05:10:50 - "Infosanity" - RT @FishermansEnemy: Had my enrollment email from the PCI council for QSA training. Email includes the words Please write down your use ...[2012-09-29] - 12:37:31 - "jwgoerlich" - @mwjcomputing Passwords? Dradis? Details? Please email me captain.[2012-09-29] - 04:31:19 - "spacerog" - @innismir @gattaca @greatwhitehat Exactly. Faxes are considered legal documents. PDFs and emails are not.[2012-09-28] - 22:30:14 - " mxlab" - Phishing emails regarding UPS parcel: UPS: Tracking Number Notification http://t.co/5uXKhOym[2012-09-28] - 12:46:46 - "FireEye" - What are the top 20 words that appear in spear phishing emails? Read the FireEye report here: http://t.co/AJv2uf90[2012-09-28] - 06:39:55 - "xntrik" - RT @Asher_Wolf: This makes me happy. RT @thsutton: Sent my first GPG encrypted email after #CryptoParty Perth.[2012-09-27] - 08:14:08 - "adulau" - RT @mcholste: Favorite malware SSL cert of the day: emailAddress=larry.page@gmail.com,CN=Larry Page,OU=Web Search Dept #ELSA query: self ...[2012-09-27] - 07:09:02 - "opexxx" - RT @FireEye: What are the top 20 words that appear in spear phishing emails? Read the FireEye report here: http://t.co/AJv2uf90[2012-09-22] - 04:03:00 - "ChrisJohnRiley" - SPF, SenderID, DKIM, DMARC... How's a man to make his email secure nowadays with so many different verifications![2012-09-20] - 07:59:33 - "RSnake" - Hmm. If SSL relies on email for cert verif/exchange, and outbound mail servers ignore snakeoil certs...[2012-09-18] - 22:18:38 - " ortegaalfredo" - @Gunther_AR the email full of sqli of .gov.ar sites? I got it. It would be very inopportune if police raid my home right now.[2012-09-18] - 21:24:18 - "SecMailLists" - BUGTRAQ: NGS00268 Patch Notification: Symantec Messaging Gateway Out-of-band stored XSS - delivered by email http://t.co/ZDNQDUQa[2012-09-17] - 18:36:55 - "ITVulnerability" - VU#389795: Windows Phone 7 does not check certificate Common Names when sending or receiving emails over SSL. http://t.co/K2pzr8EW[2012-09-16] - 18:44:43 - "lvdeijk" - Just checked my office email. 9 October, will you do a java exploit demo for 200+ public. Me: sure will *shits his pants* no problem.[2012-09-16] - 06:18:13 - "ioerror" - @kaepora Verify with GPG is the theory - email Ian to bug him - I offerd to buy the SSL cert... :)[2012-09-15] - 07:04:33 - " jeremiahg" - @_Joe_Davis_ when CAPTCHA is not an option, alternatives are out-of-band confirmation. Like email or SMS. Or in-band w/ password submission.[2012-09-15] - 06:55:26 - "georgevhulme" - @ryanprociuk Encrypt the files with PGP. Send them your public key in a different email. Then they will know you are a serious man.[2012-09-15] - 03:51:38 - "kargig" - Parralels Plesk does not support with ssh keys. You have to give out your passwords over unencrypted emails over the internet. #fail[2012-09-14] - 21:47:51 - "mckeay" - @libsyn next time you might want to use an address that's part of the Libsyn domain and make the email look less like a phishing attack.[2012-09-14] - 11:42:22 - "leonward" - Todo list for the day- 200 emails- Haircut- Competitive 'stuff'- Order iPhone 5- Write ugly Perl- Be Awesome- @NeilSinky Gig[2012-09-13] - 10:32:13 - " hak5darren" - @padresj email me details. Darren at hak5 dot org[2012-09-11] - 14:27:01 - "lonervamp" - Is a good time for articles about resilient domain/hosting/DNS resolution for big and small co's alike. Cloud/email? Screwed/wait it out.[2012-09-09] - 10:16:48 - "HenkvanRoest" - RT @virusbtn: Phishing emails target users of Italy's post office and its bank operator http://t.co/t5xhothL[2012-09-08] - 10:47:54 - "hackerfantastic" - @timb_machine I am not, I left as no one else appeared to want to stay so I went for home. DM me your email and GPG key for future use :-)[2012-09-08] - 05:42:51 - " ultramegaman" - had to use Burp to be able to change my password on @Ubisoft's profile page. Their DnsExists check kept rejecting my email address.[2012-09-07] - 20:53:28 - "kargig" - Anyone else got email from Aljazeera asking to flush DNS for some of their domain names after being hit by poison attacks ? #DNS[2012-09-07] - 20:25:03 - "watchguardtech" - Apple updated Java. Their email (http://t.co/EhLjoPtE) references CVE-2012-4681, but an article says it's not fixed? (http://t.co/FKw6PDpT?)[2012-09-07] - 04:49:13 - "SecAdept" - Apple updated Java. Their email (http://t.co/otg5TuWz) references CVE-2012-4681, but an article says it's not fixed? (http://t.co/fZCAC7rw?)[2012-09-06] - 23:32:48 - "jonoberheide" - OH: PGP signing your email is just cryptographically confirming your terrorist tendencies[2012-09-06] - 23:28:43 - "SecurityGarden" - RT @gcluley: Zero-day Java flaw exploited in targeted tax email malware attack http://t.co/c9MoRF9I[2012-09-06] - 22:41:23 - "AlertBoot" - Infosec - Attacks on Java security hole hidden in bogus Microsoft Services Agreement email http://t.co/fgzSMsKr[2012-09-06] - 22:37:25 - " websenselabs" - Fake ?Amazon order? email exploits recent Java vulnerability CVE 2012-4681 http://t.co/0E39FBuR[2012-09-06] - 20:57:08 - "watchguardtech" - If you are ok with using unofficial, 3rd party patches, you can email Deep End Research for a Java 0day patch: http://t.co/SyQdzGSd[2012-09-06] - 20:24:50 - "nullcon" - RT @nakedsecurity: Attacks on Java security hole hidden in bogus Microsoft Services Agreement email http://t.co/50q5BKiG[2012-09-06] - 19:39:17 - "DFMag" - Fake ?Amazon order? email exploits recent Java vulnerability CVE 2012-4681 http://t.co/268lhgQ1 Sneaky huh?[2012-09-06] - 19:13:16 - "FireEye" - Download our free white paper to learn about the benefits and risks of cloud-based email for government agencies: http://t.co/eAj65Y51[2012-09-06] - 19:13:16 - " FireEye" - What tactics appear most often in spear phishing emails? We reveal findings in Advanced Threat Report 1H 2012 http://t.co/NVEOg3KT[2012-09-06] - 19:04:23 - "searchio" - @nedos if that's the case it sounds a bit scary. yo u should try appending in the email body something ;ping and tcpdump to check[2012-09-06] - 13:57:44 - "InfosecurityMag" - Malicious email campaigns exploiting Java http://t.co/eQhsv3fN[2012-09-06] - 13:36:33 - "websense" - RT @websenselabs: Fake ?Amazon order? email exploits recent Java vulnerability CVE 2012-4681 http://t.co/zvMUoH2E[2012-09-06] - 13:36:33 - "websense" - RT @virusbtn: Amazon order, Microsoft Service Agremeent emails exploiting Java vulnerability http://t.co/hbHCyEjY http://t.co/5RsmkrES[2012-09-06] - 13:20:19 - "SophosLabs" - Zero-day Java flaw exploited in targeted tax email malware attack http://t.co/gHwLYfYE
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