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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme bluetooth (194 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme bluetooth[2012-10-04] - 01:23:24 - "gcouprie" - @cdlm avec la version bluetooth, c'est possible de faire un truc propre. Par contre, je me méfierais du NFC...[2012-09-18] - 08:52:03 - " cosine" - I just backed Jorno ? the pocketable, folding, bluetooth keyboard. on @Kickstarter http://t.co/GaG6Rrmj[2012-09-15] - 19:02:43 - "taylorbanks" - @jack_daniel @ChrisJohnRiley fyi, love my Motorola T505 bluetooth speakerphone because it has built-in FM transmitter quality is good[2012-09-06] - 21:34:46 - "br3t" - Freudian slip while reading a bluetooth security report: Bluttooth[2012-09-06] - 05:32:15 - "daveshackleford" - Hey peeps, I am in the market for a new USB (or bluetooth) headset with the Mac. Anyone have suggestions? TIA.[2012-08-06] - 04:15:59 - "dragosr" - RT @caparsons: @dragosr you get similar options for bluetooth, time capsule, etc[2012-08-06] - 04:15:59 - "dragosr" - Nice, thanks @caparsons for pointing out OSX Option-click diagnostic options for time-capsule, bluetooth, incl bluetooth packet logging![2012-08-03] - 21:44:22 - "hal_pomeranz" - Mr Business Man, bluetooth headset doesn't have cone of silence attachment. Do not want to know details of your underperforming emploees.[2012-08-02] - 00:37:56 - "BrandenWilliams" - @jadedsecurity My only method that works on the road now is bluetooth modem to blackberry.[2012-07-27] - 12:42:23 - "lbhuston" - NFC risk models makes bluetooth look like a tank. Done wrong, NFC makes even private data trivial for attack.[2012-07-26] - 12:30:02 - " cosine" - The LG Tone headphones are missing a mute button, aren't they? Otherwise they'd be the nirvana of bluetooth headphones for me.[2012-07-03] - 21:06:57 - "hackerfantastic" - Sniffing bluetooth on my train, only _1_ person had it enabled. I think offices and motorways will have more victi^H^H^H^H^H testdata. ;)[2012-06-26] - 11:07:32 - "burgessct" - @glfceo and for Maxwell Smart - today's shoe-phone would be made more convenient with bluetooth.[2012-06-23] - 15:04:16 - "t0ka7a" - Guide to bluetooth security http://t.co/8FwLVTfp[2012-06-20] - 03:47:55 - "freaklabs" - @microbuilder in that case, bluetooth is a candidate.[2012-05-30] - 10:46:47 - "security4all" - RT @danchodanchev: Why all on the buzz about #TheFlame use of bluetooth? The 29a group once rele. a WiFi scanning plugin for a popular R ...[2012-05-30] - 09:26:51 - "danchodanchev" - Why all on the buzz about #TheFlame use of bluetooth? The 29a group once rele. a WiFi scanning plugin for a popular RAT http://t.co/GG3dlf52[2012-05-30] - 09:26:51 - "danchodanchev" - @k_sec no bluetooth functionality, just WiFi. Although coming up with bluetooth scanning plugins/modules is not rocket science as well.[2012-05-30] - 05:42:40 - "taosecurity" - RT @danchodanchev: Why all on the buzz about #TheFlame use of bluetooth? The 29a group once rele. a WiFi scanning plugin for a popular R ...[2012-05-18] - 08:39:55 - "ntheory" - Anyone have a recommendation for good noise cancelling bluetooth headphones that can be used as a phone headset? Parrot Zik still not out.[2012-05-18] - 00:14:20 - "Viss" - @TXVB @mckeay @sawaba I'd actually love that - having google maps send directions to cars gps via bluetooth or somesuch[2012-05-10] - 11:44:07 - "hrbrmstr" - so, any of you 'hackers' out there ever investigate just how much data gets sync'd and kept locally in most cars via bluetooth? just name/#?[2012-05-09] - 04:17:43 - "Viss" - @theKos investigate possibility of adb over wifi (I know that exists) and adb over bluetooth? :D[2012-05-05] - 08:21:09 - " BrandenWilliams" - I'm the only person on this conference call without a bluetooth headset. It's unbelievably terrible.[2012-04-11] - 20:20:27 - "hrbrmstr" - @ownpile the bluetooth beacons are just evil. adverts everywhere! in-store displays will rotate to show only your size.[2012-04-03] - 08:34:32 - " lbhuston" - @gattaca Hmmmm.... I sense a hardware hacking project. Maybe something bluetooth? :)[2012-03-16] - 11:10:39 - "freaklabs" - ipad3 teardown. main point for me? dual mode bluetooth supported. aka bluetooth low energy, here i come: http://t.co/bBpSNbF9[2012-03-16] - 01:30:53 - " BrandenWilliams" - Million dollar idea: A bluetooth-decoder headset so that you can understand someone talking on a crappy bluetooth headset. Aaaaand GO.[2012-03-15] - 17:58:44 - " HaDeSss" - @FabriceSimonet ben ca marche très bien en wifi bluetooth? c'est juste en usb que ça marche po :/[2012-03-14] - 11:52:32 - "Shpantzer" - @bmkatz certainly would be easier to jam the bluetooth, but I'm skirred of the FCC. #[2012-03-14] - 03:07:18 - "Shpantzer" - @tcrawford @bmkatz @aneel how do you connect the keyboard to the ipad... (please don't say bluetooth...)[2012-03-13] - 19:58:58 - "PatrickCMiller" - RT @p0wnlabs: FWIW bluetooth proximity based screen locker in 40 lines of python http://t.co/GEEoPBFZ Give it your phone's btaddr a ...[2012-03-11] - 00:19:40 - "hrbrmstr" - @jfriend what, no bionics?! :-) there's a good chance my former company (JJ) made that part. does it have bluetooth at least?[2012-03-02] - 21:09:45 - "gcouprie" - @virtualabs it's bluetooth hacking time o/[2012-02-23] - 21:14:43 - " hrbrmstr" - It took no time to setup @torquebhp w/cheap bluetooth OBD II. I can now log report on the @jeep's stats at-will. Total: $35USD #spiffy[2012-02-13] - 04:28:44 - "freaklabs" - bluetooth sig forms a new working group for fitness gear - Bluetooth To Change How We Play Sports, Exercise And More: http://t.co/34u826W9[2012-02-11] - 15:10:43 - "freaklabs" - RT @svial: RT @epourkoapa: men are like bluetooth, women are like wifi : http://t.co/nAgHnSE5 :)[2012-02-06] - 13:49:11 - " RobertWinkel" - @ThatDamonGuy I've received scams via snail-mail and via bluetooth, but not yet via SMS.[2012-01-31] - 13:39:01 - "digininja" - RT @KismetWireless: https://t.co/xLNOdHcc ... A first look at the new phy-neutral kismet UI (note bluetooth integrated into the list). ...[2012-01-31] - 06:30:16 - "theprez98" - RT @KismetWireless: https://t.co/xLNOdHcc ... A first look at the new phy-neutral kismet UI (note bluetooth integrated into the list). ...[2012-01-31] - 03:08:14 - "MarcoFigueroa" - @Carlos_Perez battery, bluetooth, no tethering, gps maps, screen size, Siri still needs work, apps paid on app store free on android market[2012-01-20] - 05:00:19 - "Shpantzer" - RT @quadling: Ok, tweeple, who has an Android VM running on Mac, with internet and bluetooth working? Need some help with it.[2012-01-13] - 19:43:57 - "mediaphyter" - Set up my @Plantronics Calisto 835 in my home office. Love it, love it, love it. Especially the bluetooth lapel mic.[2012-01-09] - 03:49:28 - "dragosr" - $79 Android ICS HDMI Dongle with wifi, bluetooth, usb -- #ces http://t.co/O8xJDatr[2012-01-08] - 19:24:01 - "hrbrmstr" - @DonkeyH0dy add the bluetooth kbd + the wireless trackpad to it and you may be able to get rid of cable box.[2011-12-25] - 20:02:18 - " mckeay" - trying out my new bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone. so far think I'm faster on the virtual keyboard Merry Christmas one and all[2011-12-20] - 15:20:19 - "Marsmensch" - .@donicer alfa cards? what about bluetooth gps? ;-)[2011-12-17] - 00:05:28 - " robdew" - motorola bluetooth headsets beep every 20 sec if you lose cell connectivity. Good feature unless paired to wifi only ipad.[2011-12-14] - 15:29:06 - " w3af" - Got my bluetooth headsets from deal extreme today. Cool gadget! Got them working with my phone for listening to music. No cables == magic :)[2011-12-12] - 02:01:04 - "ChrisPaget" - @fristle Most of them have KB docks, and all can use bluetooth keyboards. Either way, why not just use my laptop?[2011-12-10] - 10:29:43 - "tnicholson" - RT @adam_baldwin: Sweet! @quitlahok made a python based proximity bluetooth checker for OSX (Lion support right now) http://t.co/JypUSXD7[2011-12-06] - 13:07:10 - "freaklabs" - nice intro to bluetooth debugging on android too - Introduction to Bluetooth RFCOMM Reverse Engineering: http://t.co/VDL17MMm
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