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Index filtré des Tweets pour le terme adobe (464 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS Twitter pour le terme adobe[2012-10-02] - 17:38:48 - "JGamblin" - Does anyone have an updated link to 3rd party patching statistics (adobe, java, etc). I cant see to find any.[2012-09-30] - 21:02:31 - " SecAdept" - This week's security week in review video is up. Topics = stolen adobe certs, Cisco IOS updates, and more: http://t.co/Qq3zsIrl[2012-09-30] - 12:01:07 - " watchguardtech" - This week's security week in review video is up. Topics = stolen adobe certs, Cisco IOS updates, and more: http://t.co/yCYYgBaa[2012-06-30] - 03:47:12 - "asintsov" - http://t.co/q73egj9x fixed the SQLi that i found 8) Good job adobe team! And thx for the credit: http://t.co/h2VwSLyC[2012-05-14] - 11:53:49 - " wkandek" - RT @gkeizer: Adobe backtracks, now will patch 8 bugs in older software for free. #adobe http://t.co/6JMJgNo5[2012-05-14] - 07:12:16 - "st0rmz" - RT @gkeizer: Adobe backtracks, now will patch 8 bugs in older software for free. #adobe http://t.co/CY72hE9C[2012-05-08] - 07:12:02 - " bradarkin" - RT @awkawk: New post on how WCAG 2.0 and PDF/UA relate: http://t.co/WZUktaDK #a11y @adobeaccess[2012-04-08] - 01:29:00 - "tomaszmiklas" - Family help desk evening in full swing... Damn! I have huge issues with auto-updates for adobe, java and other crap, AV hell etc.[2012-03-22] - 05:50:16 - "infocarnivore" - How to Create a PDF in Seconds ? withOUT adobe http://t.co/JDbFIf30 via @blogengage[2012-03-21] - 02:39:30 - "druidian" - RT @ProtekResearch: 180 day waiting for an #adobe patch, we decide to publish our advisory with limited detail about a 0day in #photosho ...[2012-03-08] - 07:09:00 - "ryanaraine" - @porkbellyfuture agreed, but does it matter if it's chrome code of adobe code? users don't care.[2012-03-01] - 01:14:03 - "TheSuggmeister" - @stellacreasy are you printing it from a browser or adobe PDF reader?[2012-02-29] - 01:18:00 - "TimelessP" - @jonnymull99 I'm going with not all. We must also consider unsigned deb packages and firewall whitelists that allow adobe and M$ too.[2012-02-16] - 08:24:55 - "Gillis57" - Shit, closest I've found to finding anything about the Universal XSS that Google found Reporting to adobe http://t.co/Pzarsk6M[2012-01-11] - 21:24:32 - "lostinsecurity" - Adobe Reader and Acrobat X (10.1.2) and 9.5 Add JavaScript Whitelisting Capabilityhttp://adobe.ly/x9TMtl - I prefer to disable it :)[2011-12-28] - 19:51:25 - "GFISoftware" - Watch out adobe users! The software is under a zero-day attack which could get ugly! http://t.co/Zd7Q1r9N[2011-12-13] - 02:11:42 - "FlUxIuS" - RT @abysssec: we just finished new adobe 0day on XP now it's time to port it to 7 : #nextstep[2011-12-12] - 19:53:40 - "hackerfantastic" - RT @abysssec: we just finished new adobe 0day on XP now it's time to port it to 7 : #nextstep[2011-12-07] - 23:31:25 - "ownpile" - RT @ryanaraine: lockheed martin hit again? see final line in adobe reader 0day advisory http://t.co/PS5vIZ3H[2011-12-07] - 22:25:19 - "MarioVilas" - RT @dwordj I love it how you can often remove the affected DLL to workaround adobe exploits.[2011-12-07] - 21:02:00 - "ryanaraine" - lockheed martin hit again? see final line in adobe reader 0day advisory http://t.co/PS5vIZ3H[2011-12-07] - 08:48:01 - " _sinn3r" - 0day (U3D memory corruption) affecting Adobe Reader 9.x on Win. yeah, almost sounds like adobe_u3d_meshdecl @jduck1337 wrote... almost.[2011-12-06] - 22:48:30 - " ryanaraine" - adobe pdf reader zero-day under attack. emergency fix coming next week http://t.co/jrmKxhAf[2011-10-22] - 00:11:44 - "ryanaraine" - RT @jeremiahg: Adobe fixes webcam hijack Flash flaw http://t.co/VKFZVP29 fixed on adobe's site, so no patch required. nice![2011-10-21] - 23:43:01 - " jeremiahg" - Adobe fixes webcam hijack Flash flaw http://t.co/VKFZVP29 fixed on adobe's site, so no patch required. nice![2011-10-21] - 06:39:07 - " eEye" - Adobe to plug Flash-related Webcam spying hole http://t.co/7Bc8ILgt #infosec #adobe #security[2011-09-27] - 05:37:57 - "malc0de" - @_MDL_ Awesome thanks would you happen to have the PDF as well? Just trying to figure out what vulns are used, looks like only adobe/java[2011-08-31] - 05:37:42 - " RPetrowsky" - Adobe's PDF Creation Service Comes to iOS http://t.co/SzsTHnb #adobe #ios #pdf[2011-07-16] - 00:04:46 - " bradarkin" - RT @PeleusUhley: The current #FlashPlayer 11 beta includes 64-bit support for Windows, Mac and Linux: http://adobe.ly/nMseBi[2011-07-14] - 13:15:07 - "xanda" - RT @tkeetch: Every time adobe reader goes slow on me, I worry.... heap-spray?[2011-07-14] - 05:51:14 - " _ikki" - RT @tkeetch: Every time adobe reader goes slow on me, I worry.... heap-spray?[2011-07-06] - 23:36:52 - "JDeLuccia" - RT @st0rmz: jailbreakme.com using PDF exploit on Apple iOS. http://is.gd/QrUMGY iPhone security fail (again) - adobe reader fail...[2011-07-05] - 16:45:37 - "seccubus" - RT @_wirepair: http://t.co/0NiLKZz if mozilla can render pdf's from JS, why the hell do i need to install 900mb of adobe software to do ...[2011-06-24] - 00:39:15 - " robdew" - hey adobe, if you're going to release an adobe connect add-in for linux, you should release a working one.[2011-06-06] - 22:43:03 - "theharmonyguy" - RT @jeremiahg: Yowch! Adobe Flash 0-day being used in the wild: Universal XSS of all things! http://adobe.ly/lIQtRP[2011-06-06] - 20:09:21 - "CiscoSecurity" - Adobe recommends Flash users patch an important xss vulnerability http://adobe.ly/j9SKQF[2011-06-06] - 19:26:11 - "mattjay" - RT @jeremiahg: Yowch! Adobe Flash 0-day being used in the wild: Universal XSS of all things! http://adobe.ly/lIQtRP[2011-06-06] - 19:08:27 - "slandail" - RT @CiscoSecurity: Adobe recommends Flash users patch an important xss vulnerability http://adobe.ly/j9SKQF[2011-06-06] - 19:07:45 - "jeremiahg" - Yowch! Adobe Flash 0-day being used in the wild: Universal XSS of all things! http://adobe.ly/lIQtRP[2011-06-06] - 07:23:28 - " sans_isc" - [Diary] Adobe releases Flash Player patch on a Sunday to combat latest 0day http://www.adobe.com/suppor... http://bit.ly/irpOhQ #sansisc[2011-05-27] - 15:09:59 - "jeromesegura" - @Xylit0l on a plusieurs configs differentes avec des version anciennes de java, adobe etc...[2011-05-14] - 03:32:54 - "pmhesse" - RT @trufae: If I patent the buffer overflow I could stop working for the rest of my life by just suing oracle and adobe.[2011-05-13] - 23:10:29 - "jduck1337" - RT @trufae: If I patent the buffer overflow I could stop working for the rest of my life by just suing oracle and adobe.[2011-05-13] - 13:33:22 - " searchio" - RT @trufae: If I patent the buffer overflow I could stop working for the rest of my life by just suing oracle and adobe.[2011-05-13] - 06:27:31 - "revskills" - RT @jedisct1: Flash Player 10.3 is now officially available for Android, Linux, OSX and Windows: http://adobe.ly/m7RYsa[2011-05-13] - 06:21:56 - "2gg" - RT @trufae: If I patent the buffer overflow I could stop working for the rest of my life by just suing oracle and adobe.[2011-05-13] - 06:21:56 - " 2gg" - RT @jedisct1: Flash Player 10.3 is now officially available for Android, Linux, OSX and Windows: http://adobe.ly/m7RYsa[2011-05-12] - 22:24:50 - " xorlgr" - RT @trufae: If I patent the buffer overflow I could stop working for the rest of my life by just suing oracle and adobe.[2011-05-12] - 22:03:44 - "MarioVilas" - RT @trufae: If I patent the buffer overflow I could stop working for the rest of my life by just suing oracle and adobe.[2011-05-06] - 01:54:06 - "adamely" - @HackAlert confirmed adobe phishing email was drive by download attack. Block adobeupdates/.org/.com[2011-05-05] - 23:05:43 - " MalwareScene" - Drive-By Downloads #Attack #Adobe Zero-Day Flaw - http://blogs.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/drive-by-downloads-attack-adobe-zero-day-flaw #Exploit[2011-04-23] - 05:11:19 - " bradarkin" - We published a security alert regarding phishing emails pointing to fake Adobe Reader downloads: http://adobe.ly/hWeBlJ
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