Hackerzvoice NDH2k15 Talks David Melendez Trash Robotic Router Platform, Reloaded |
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Hackerzvoice NDH2k15 Talks David Melendez Trash Robotic Router Platform, Reloaded Par SecurityTube.NetLe [2015-12-23] à 07:20:36
Présentation : Building a drone is a challenging business. Even more if you want to build it with almost spare parts and SOHO hardware. To accomplish this journey, a Linux embedded stability control system is developed entirely from scratch. In the presentation, David Melendez will show this journey starting from the hardware choosing a home WIFI router , to a stable and real flight. Unconventional implementations is one of the topics about this presentation, like using WiFi as communication between drone and pilot, HTML5 and COMET to show telemetry from the router web server, and implementing a entirely new protocol based on 802.11 Beacon Frames to prevent deauth attacks to access point, taking care about all problems involving spoofing and man in the middle threats, making this way, a side channel apart of conventional WiFi communications. The audience is anyone interested in drones and how can be implemented from scratch using almost entirely a embedded linux system, taking advantage of a very affordable hardware. Topics such as real-time scheduling, PID control systems, signal filters, telemetry via AJAX COMET and hardware hacking like I2C bitbanging. Audience interested in WiFi security will appreciate a full custom implementation of a side channel communication between pilot and drone using 802.11 beacon frames, and how can transport encrypted data in their payload avoiding all WiFi attack types. David Melendez was born in 1983 in Zaragoza, Spain. He has a Bachellor Computer Degree by Wales University. Nowadays works as R D software engineer for TV Studio manufacturer company, Albalá Ingenieros in Madrid. He has won several prices in robotic tournamens at Campus Party Spain 2010 and 2012, and has been a speaker in several conferences in Spain, RootedCON 2013, NavajaNegra 2013, OSWHCon 2014, 8.8 Security Conference in Chile 2014 and NoConName 2014 in Barcelona, Spain, and Codemotion Rome 2015. For More Information Please Visit - https hackerzvoice.net en node 1175
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