DEF CON 23 - Graham and Maynor - HamSammich Long Distance Proxying Over Radio |
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DEF CON 23 - Graham and Maynor - HamSammich Long Distance Proxying Over Radio Par SecurityTube.NetLe [2015-12-08] à 12:16:59
Présentation : The ProxyHam talk was mysteriously canceled. However, it s easy to replicate the talk from the press coverage. In this talk, we propose HamSammich , creating a point-to-point link in order to access WiFi from many miles away, as a means to avoid detection. We show how off-the-shelf devices can be configured to do this for less than 200. After demonstrating the working system, we ll talk about radio signals. This includes both the FCC regulatory issues which may have caused the cancelation of the original talk, as well as signals-intelligence, and the practicalities of being detected and caught. Finally, we ll talk about hiding signals with SDR, a more complicated and expensive technique, but one that hides better in the electromagnetic spectrum. We ll demonstrate not only a working system, but what the 900MHz spectrum looks like, and how to track down a working system. Speaker Bios Robert Graham is the CEO of Errata Security, a pentest consulting firm. He's known for creating the first IPS, the BlackICE series of products, sidejacking, and masscan. In his spare time, he scans the Internet. He has been speaking at several conferences a year for the past decade.Twitter ErrataRob David Maynor is the CTO of Errata Security, and chief pentester. He s a frequent speaker at conferences, most infamously in the Apple WiFi scandal. In his spare time, he builds weapons for Skynet s domination of the planet. Twitter Dave_Maynor For More Information Please Visit - https www.defcon.org html defcon-23 dc-23-index.html
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