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Index des articles pour le terme benchmark (51 résultats)S'abonner au fil RSS pour le terme benchmarkVoir uniquement les résultats francophones[2016-04-26] - 21:37:30 - "Security Bloggers Network" - Setting the Benchmark in the Network Security Forensics Industry[2016-04-14] - 03:49:31 - "New RFCs" - 7747 Basic BGP Convergence Benchmarking Methodology for Data-Plane Convergence[2016-03-29] - 14:25:03 - "SecurityTube.Net" - AppSec California 2016 - Benchmarking AppSec Across Industries[2016-03-16] - 01:45:12 - "Blog" - Benchmarking Open Source SDN Controllers Are They Ready for Carrier-Grade Services [2016-03-01] - 19:16:56 - "Hackaday" - Pi 3 Benchmarks The Marketing Hype Is True[2016-02-12] - 02:24:37 - "Security Bloggers Network" - Threat Detection Benchmark Part 1 Uncovering Threat Vectors[2016-01-13] - 20:55:44 - "Reverse Engineering" - Benchmarking Windows Packet-Capture Methods[2016-01-06] - 07:56:59 - "Open Web Application Security Project" - OWASP Projects - Global Improvements Benchmark Specifics[2015-10-28] - 00:29:06 - "New RFCs" - 7654 Benchmarking Methodology for In-Service Software Upgrade ISSU [2015-09-24] - 00:41:08 - "New RFCs" - 7640 Traffic Management Benchmarking[2015-04-23] - 20:31:27 - "Security Bloggers Network" - OpenSAMM Benchmark Initiative[2015-04-14] - 02:14:05 - "New RFCs" - 7501 Terminology for Benchmarking Session Initiation Protocol SIP Devices Basic Session Setup and Registration[2015-04-14] - 02:14:05 - "New RFCs" - 7502 Methodology for Benchmarking Session Initiation Protocol SIP Devices Basic Session Setup and Registration[2015-03-27] - 07:33:40 - "Security Bloggers Network" - OpenSAMM Benchmarking Improvement [2015-02-06] - 07:16:55 - "Hackaday" - Benchmarking The Raspberry Pi 2[2015-01-13] - 17:11:32 - "adafruit industries blog" - Benchmarking the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black and Intel Edison BeagleBoneBlack TXInstruments BeagleBoardOrg[2014-09-24] - 18:54:23 - "4sysops" - Azure SSD Disk I O benchmark comparison with AWS[2014-07-18] - 12:59:39 - "Channel 9" - An Introduction to benchmarking in the Cloud Data Exposed[2014-04-30] - 06:10:54 - "Security Bloggers Network" - Security Benchmarking and the Gift that Will Keep On Giving[2013-12-14] - 00:34:51 - "Dark Reading All Stories" - Ponemon Institute Reveals Results Of First Cybersecurity Salary Benchmarking Survey[2013-12-06] - 23:09:37 - "Reverse Engineering" - VM Code protection benchmark[2013-12-05] - 05:52:20 - "Systm Quicktime Large " - How Badass is Your PC Benchmark It - Systm[2013-10-26] - 05:45:42 - "Security Bloggers Network" - High-end Macbook Pro Retina late 2013, 15 benchmark[2013-08-29] - 02:23:23 - "Hak5 Xvid Large " - How to Benchmark Your Linux System And Exfiltration Ducky Attacks - Hak5[2013-07-31] - 14:05:40 - "Security Bloggers Network" - Samsung cheats Galaxy S4 benchmarks Wonka incensed[2013-06-03] - 14:23:11 - "Reverse Engineering" - Verisec suite a benchmarking suite of code examples, for for the evaluation of model-checkers and static analysis tools[2013-04-02] - 18:56:04 - "Reverse Engineering" - Experiment Flows and Microbenchmarks for Reverse Engineering of Branch Predictor Structures PDF [2013-03-14] - 19:41:44 - "New RFCs" - 6894 Methodology for Benchmarking MPLS Traffic Engineered MPLS-TE Fast Reroute Protection[2013-02-28] - 01:11:28 - "Security Bloggers Network" - nCircle Doubles Number Of Free Scorecards Available In nCircle Benchmark[2013-02-05] - 19:30:33 - "Security Bloggers Network" - How to benchmark your web application security testing tools [2013-01-16] - 12:03:20 - "adafruit industries blog" - Java GPIO Benchmarks for the Raspberry Pi[2012-12-14] - 15:53:10 - "Security Bloggers Network" - New Oracle Database Security Benchmarks Released[2012-10-15] - 07:44:17 - "Help Net Security News" - ISF launches Benchmark as a Service[2012-07-17] - 01:58:52 - "SecurityTube.Net" - News Top 10 The Web Application Vulnerability Scanners Benchmark 2012 [2012-07-10] - 20:50:24 - "New RFCs" - 6645 IP Flow Information Accounting and Export Benchmarking Methodology[2012-06-13] - 22:34:58 - "0x80" - Benchmarking Radeon 6990, Radeon 6970 trifire [2012-05-17] - 06:49:46 - "BiometricNewsPortal.com" - Benchmark gives Ievo Fingerprint Reader with Lumidigm MSI Sensor rave reviews[2012-04-15] - 18:08:15 - "adafruit industries blog" - Sky Bridge Patterns 2009 and Benchmark 2010 Art Installations by Erwin Redl[2012-03-19] - 17:06:19 - "Raymond.CC Blog" - Benchmark your system with Auslogics Benchtown[2012-03-11] - 01:44:31 - "Raymond.CC Blog" - Unigine Heaven DX11 Benchmark 3.0 Released[2012-01-26] - 21:02:48 - "Security Bloggers Network" - Cloud Fundamentals Video Series Benchmarks and Evaluation Standards for Cloud Computing Security[2012-01-21] - 01:26:48 - "Security Bloggers Network" - Klocwork Insight 9.5 Creates New Benchmark For Developer-Friendly Source Code Analysis[2011-12-26] - 17:11:31 - "ContactlessNews Contactless Smart Cards RFID Payment Transit and Security" - Visa benchmark marks 2012 as the year for maintstream contactless adoption[2011-11-22] - 07:41:31 - "New RFCs" - 6412 Terminology for Benchmarking Link-State IGP Data-Plane Route Convergence[2011-11-22] - 07:41:31 - "New RFCs" - 6413 Benchmarking Methodology for Link-State IGP Data-Plane Route Convergence[2011-11-22] - 07:41:31 - "New RFCs" - 6414 Benchmarking Terminology for Protection Performance[2011-11-09] - 07:00:26 - "Dark Reading All Stories" - Product Watch New RedSeal App Lets Enterprises Benchmark Security Risk, Attack Surface[2011-08-06] - 09:46:48 - "How to remove" - BenchMark.exe, CurrentVersion.exe, FinishHim.exe[2011-08-06] - 09:46:44 - "Raymond.CC Blog" - Measure DirectX 11 Performance with Unigine Heaven Benchmark[2011-07-26] - 09:13:11 - "Raymond.CC Blog" - UsbFlashSpeed.com Lists USB Flash Read Write Speed with Benchmark Tool[2011-06-20] - 14:10:24 - "Help Net Security News" - Comparative risk benchmarking service[2011-06-18] - 12:41:08 - "Security Bloggers Network" - New White Paper Security Benchmarking Going Beyond Metrics
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